How To Make A Hamburger Menu With MvvmCross
This post explains what I went through trying to find a working sample Hamburger/Slide Out menu using MvvmCross. If you’re a developer trying to figure this out you can skip to the bottom of this post to see what actually worked. For the rest of you, it’s a cautionary tale about working in the framework-heavy,…
Read moreCommon Code Signing Errors (codesign failed with exit code 1)
Oh the errors you’ll see (setting up a CI server) This post contains solutions that may save you hours of debugging weird code signing errors. codesign failed with exit code 1 Huh? If you see this, you’re probably scripting your iOS build process for a Continuous Integration (CI) Server like Jenkins, TravisCI, Bitrise, Nevercode, BuddyBuild…
Read moreWWDC Week 2017 Recap
This is for business owners and technology leaders who utilize, or are adjacent to, Apple technologies. WWDC is Apple’s yearly developer event where they announce what’s in store on their platforms. This post will highlight the key themes of WWDC Week. I spent the week in San Jose talking tech and enjoying the sunshine so…
Read moreMVVM is lipstick on a Pig
MVVM is lipstick on a pig MVVM is not a step in the right direction. It’s an additional layer of confusion. A bit of background Once a fading pattern used in .NET client development, Model View ViewModel (MVVM) has gained popularity in the iOS community in the past few years. It is presented as a…
Read moreStylish Developers Guide to Unit Testing in Swift Notes
Greetings, I’m having a blast at AltConf. Here are some resources from my talk on the Stylish Developers Guide to Unit Testing in Swift. Code from the presentation here. My blog posts on testing here. This is a good post from Kent Beck that shows up to clean up Run-On Tests. Here are some references from a…
Read moreThis is how you test a mobile app
In a previous post we emphasized the importance of testing in your development process. This post will walk you through critical test cases many new entrepreneurs miss, and will serve as a starting point for your test coverage. Here are some test cases that are critical to cover in your application: Different screen sizes Android…
Read moreYou’re doing it wrong: Skimping on testing
This is post 6 of 6 in the series “How startups waste money on software” How entrepreneurs waste money on software Technical debt will run your business into the ground When is technical debt OK? You’re doing it wrong: Using “cheaper” developers You’re doing it wrong: Skimping on design You’re doing it wrong: Skimping on…
Read moreYou’re doing it wrong: Skimping on design
This is post 5 of 6 in the series “How startups waste money on software” How entrepreneurs waste money on software Technical debt will run your business into the ground When is technical debt OK? You’re doing it wrong: Using “cheaper” developers You’re doing it wrong: Skimping on design You’re doing it wrong: Skimping on…
Read moreWhat is the total cost of software development?
One of the biggest questions entrepreneurs have when considering a software development project is, how much will it cost? This post will help you assess the possible costs of your project. First up: upfront costs This is the most common consideration new entrepreneurs take into account when deciding who to work with on a project. There’s a good…
Read moreHere’s how to decide what level of experience your developers should have
This is post 5 of 5 in the series “External Development Bootcamp” Working with external developers: Employees vs Consultants External Developers – Who Should I Work With? The 5 signs you should not be spending money on software How do I know a development company will produce good work? Here’s how to decide what level…
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