How To Make A Hamburger Menu With MvvmCross

This post explains what I went through trying to find a working sample Hamburger/Slide Out menu using MvvmCross. If you’re a developer trying to figure this out you can skip to the bottom of this post to see what actually worked. For the rest of you, it’s a cautionary tale about working in the framework-heavy,…

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MVVM is lipstick on a Pig

MVVM is lipstick on a pig MVVM is not a step in the right direction. It’s an additional layer of confusion. A bit of background Once a fading pattern used in .NET client development, Model View ViewModel (MVVM) has gained popularity in the iOS community in the past few years. It is presented as a…

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Testing API availability with Swift 2.0

With Swift 2.0, Apple introduced the #available syntax for declaring code only usable in specific iOS versions. This is much improved from previous solutions but the default approach makes it hard to test. This post will show a technique to write testable iOS 9 only code. Let’s start with an app that creates a Spotlight Search….

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Stylish Devs Guide to Swift References (AltConf)

Thanks for watching. I hope you learned something new. I had to skim some material to fit the 30 minute time slot at AltConf. No worries, there are other excellent resources that cover these things in greater details. Swift Style and Usage iPhreaks (Podcast) with Dave Mauro iPhreaks (Podcast) with Natasha the Robot Structs (immutability)…

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Testing Singletons in Swift – Property Injection

In a previous post we showed how to test Singletons with Constructor Injection. This will show another technique using Property Injection. Property Injection is useful in cases where a custom init method isn’t practical. A useful case for this is testing ViewControllers created by a Storyboard. So what’s the difference? Instead of injecting the dependencies…

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Testing Singletons in Swift

Singletons are the scourge of good software design. But everyone uses them, especially in iOS development. This post will show one way to make singletons testable in Swift applications. Let’s be real, we’re not building web apps. Long running objects are part of the game for client development. State happens. Singletons are a simple way to…

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Understanding MVC in iOS References

Here are some references, credits and further learning for things I discuss in my MVC talks. Podcasts: The iPhreaks showed up one day and had no guest, so we talked a bit about the MVC pattern. iPhreaks MVC Episode Saul Mora heard our iPhreaks MVC Podcast and came on to discuss some more advanced iOS…

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Jaim on iPhreaks Podcast

For the past few weeks Jaim Zuber has been sitting in as a Panelist on the IPhreaks Podcast. Jaim, Charles Max Wood and co. talk iOS development each week with the best minds in the industry. Jaim says “this was the only iOS PodCast I listened to every week. I was thrilled they were interested…

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Unit Testing for iOS References

Here are some links to resources I tend to mention in my iOS Unit Testing presentations. They are excellent resources for anyone trying to start unit testing their iOS apps. Books: Test Driven iOS Development – Graham Lee Blogs: Quality Coding iOS Unit Testing Screencasts: UIViewController TDD TDD Kata for iOS: MVP (Model-View-Presenter) Pattern Not…

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